Your qualified and experienced Central Coast Naturopath.

Providing tailored services including nutrition advice, diet and lifestyle planning, herbal medicine, homoeopathy, iridology, functional testing, and wellness treatment plans. I use NutriPath Integrative pathology services where 250+ tests are available including MyDNA test.


Gastro-Intestinal Health: Leaky gut, IBS, diverticulosis, Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, reflux, cramping, SIBO, microbiome health.

Anxiety & Stress: Low mood, fatigue, low energy, sleeplessness, poor concentration, muscle tension, headaches, irritability.

Medical conditions: Fatty Liver, High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure.

Immunity: Respiratory, auto-immune conditions, repetitive infections.

Long/ Post Viral Symptoms: Epstein-Barr Virus, Herpes, Ross River, COVID.

Hormones: PMT, PMS, Menopause, Pre-Conception, Fertility, PCOS, Irregular periods, Thyroid disorders.

Children’s Health: Repetitive infections, gut disturbances, sleep issues, anxiety, concentration.

Wellness programs: Detox, Gut Reset, DNA/ genetic reset

Accredited with ATMS: 2924

Central Coast Naturopath

Do you want what ‘they’ have?

That extra bounce, the vitality, the radiance, the smiles and laughter, and the positive ‘can do’ attitude?

We desire to be healthy because of the way it makes us feel. It also helps us generally look better, increases immune function, and provides us with more energy to cope with the ‘daily grind’ and other physical requirements in life.

Some of us adopt ‘faulty adaptation habits’ thinking these are the way to help us through life.  I will work with you and ‘your boundaries’ to help counteract the effects these behaviours may be having on your body.

I favour a holistic and preventative approach to health and wellbeing, and seek to find the least invasive measures necessary for symptom improvement or resolution, while honouring the body’s innate wisdom to heal.

During your consultation you can expect an individual assessment of health to be completed using an in-depth questionnaire, where we identify possible underlying causes of your health problems.

Family history of health, diet, environment, and physiological and psychological factors are all taken into account during your personalised assessment. 

You may be prescribed nutritional supplements, herbal preparations, a homeopathic remedy, and/or be provided with an individual diet and lifestyle plan that addresses your health concerns.

Investigative techniques such as functional testing, iridology, facial, nail and tongue analysis, zinc tests, acid/alkaline tests, and mineral and heavy metal tests are incorporated into your consultation. ( Functional testing may be required to conclusively confirm the cause of your symptoms)

Tests available include, but are not limited to: Gut Microbiome, Allergies and Intolerances, Nutritional, DNA and Heavy metal testing.

Call for an appointment on 0413 808 414 or book via the website.

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